Friday, September 4, 2009

The Session is not Authenticated

When using the VMware vCenter Converter Standalone tool, you may find that when you get to step 2 - 'Specify Destination', you sometimes get the error 'The session is not authenticated'. There are two possible fixes that I know of. First, try killing the vmware-converter-a.exe process from task manager. If that does not work, you are probably converting a live machine, so go to that machine and recycle the 'VMware vCenter Converter Agent' service.


  1. I had this problem and try all i could find. The solution for me was that the server i was trying to convert had the time 2 hours wrong. I set the time correctly. But it did not work. Only when i finally reboot it did it actual work. So i setup ntp on all physical servers, and the ESXi server as well. Now all is working.

  2. I love reading books ever since I was a little kid. Now that I am a father myself, I encourage my kids to read good books. There are a lot of good books to read like the Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter or those which are written by Stephen King.

  3. I had the same issue and it turns out that i needed to restart the agent service and tools on the live machine that is being Converted
