Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cmd addnode failed for primary node internal aam error agent could not start

cmd addnode failed for primary node internal aam error agent could not start

At the cluster level, disable HA, then reenable

The DSN is not a 32 bit system DSN

Upon installation of Windows 2008 Standard, installing vCenter using the SQL Server 6.00 driver provided, the following error is received:
"The DSN, 'vCenter' does not exist or is not a 32 bit system DSN'

For starters, don't use the OBDC administrator found under Start -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC), this is the 64bit version.  Instead, navigate to c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

The SQL Server driver available is not supported, you need to download the 'SQL Server Native' driver found here:

It's also good to know, a new install of Windows 2008 Server x64 doesn't include the "SQL Server Native" driver. The following link provides downloads for the new SQL 2008 feature packs. I tested this with vCenter 4.0 and it works great.