If you are having problems with a NIC staying connected, it could be due to the number of ports configured on the vSwitch. By default there are 24 ports configured, so if the number of virtual machines running exceeds that number they may start to become disconnected. Check /var/log/vmkernel for these messages:
Net: 1317: can't connect device: VM Network: Out of resources
If this is the case, then either move some VMs to a different vSwitch or increase the number of ports on the vSwitch. Increasing the ports will require a reboot.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Instance GUID is improperly specified
Recently I was trying to install vCenter when I received the error "Instance GUID is improperly specified". This was a brand new Windows 2008 Server and a fresh install of vCenter, but the problem was that the install had failed a few times already due to other issues and rolled back. It seems that the rollback process does not completely clean up the files it creates, because one such file called 'instance.cfg' is created in c:\Program Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter and in it there is a line with the GUID. So to resolve this, simply delete that file and it will be recreated upon installation.
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